Category Archives: sewing

Sew Fun

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to learn how to sew. The matriarchs of my family are all quite competent with a sewing machine. With all these seamstresses at my fingertips I’ve never needed to learn for myself. Now, however, I am wanting to make things for the house or do quick mends and eventually I want to teach Kylie and Avery.

So, I’ve begun my quest. My grandmother has donated one of her old Singer’s, as well as a lot of the necessary accouterments. My first project was a couple of throw pillows. It was actually pretty easy after I figured out how to spool the bobbing thread, replace the needle I broke, and learned the “hidden stitch” that discreetly closed the pillow! So for $9 of fabric I made to pillows that would have run $25 or more ready-made. I’m feeling good about this.

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Filed under pillows, sewing